Selfie monster HTC Desire Eye launching in India this week, price 36k

HTC Desire Eye, the first phone to come with a large, 13-megapixel front camera and a powerful dual-LED front camera flash, is all set to be launched in India in the next ten days at a price of around Rs 36,000-37,000.


The price could fall to around Rs 34,500 in four weeks after launch, according to an online distributor.

The HTC Eye is a variant of the HTC M8 and India will perhaps be the first in the world to see the launch of the model.

The HTC Desire Eye, also known without the ‘desire’ tag, is essentially an M8/E8 with a very big front camera. The front camera is so big that it’s like an eye, though frankly, we think a single eye’s kind of creepy.

Anyway, the pnone will be manna from heaven for the narcissistic. Not only can you take very ‘clear’ pictures now, but you can make sure lighting is not going to be a problem too.

Other specificationis are similar to the Rs 33,000 HTC E8, one of the most value-for-money models in the high end smartphone market right now.

Like the E8, the HTC Eye too will have a full HD display, 2 GB of RAM, Snapdragonn 801 and possibly 1800 MHz LTE support.

However, unlike the E8, the new phone will come with a slightly bigger at 5.2 inches.

In addition, the new model comes with 32 GB of internal memory, double of the E8, and, as mentioned above, the 13 megapixel cameras at the front and back.

The highest end phone, M8, is priced at Rs 42,000 in India.

HTC recently launched (without making available) another selfie-oriented phone, the HTC Desire 820. The Android phone, the first in the world to come with 64-processors, has a 5 megapixel camera.

It is expected that the phone will be priced under Rs 25,000 and possibly close to Rs 20,000 mark when it is made available in early November.