Kaspersky Lab, the Russia-based anti-virus provider with a substantial marketshare in India, has announced a ‘privacy guard’ cum anti-virus software for smartphones.
The software will not only protect phones from viruses, but also enable users to create white lists and black lists of contacts. No call records or contact details will be visible if persons are added to the ‘black list’, allowing users to ‘hide’ such contacts. They can, of course, retrieve such contacts by entering their secret codes or upon time out.
The software, ‘Mobile Security’ will also allow users to block unwanted calls and SMSes by creating similar ‘black lists.’
It also helps users locate missing devices by activiting the GPS system remotely and can also help wipe all data, including messages and contacts, by sending an SMS to the phone, if lost.
If the thief puts in a new SIM, you also get an SMS with the details of the new SIM, including the phone number.