Comments on: Xiaomi’s new MiTV: Everything, except apps on this TV Sun, 04 Nov 2018 20:14:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Naomi Mowbray Sun, 04 Nov 2018 20:14:00 +0000 search engine optimation

By: Tarun Thu, 22 Feb 2018 06:38:37 +0000 In reply to Julius Gomes.

You will be surprised. At least 90% of smart TV buyers don’t care which apps they can use on the TV or not. And 90% is a good enough market share for any brand. The remaining 10% who want to watch netflix and amazon can either buy chromecast or spend 70,000 to buy samsung or panasonic.

By: Julius Gomes Thu, 22 Feb 2018 06:34:53 +0000 Let me give you free advice Xiaomi – Indians are not like the Chinese. They don’t like their government or their TV company to tell them what they can watch and what they cannot watch.
If I am spending 40k on a TV, I want to be able to watch netflix or hotstar or amazon prime or whatever else I want to watch. Why should I watch only Hungama and Liv tv and others?
Can you think of what would have happened if your phones could only install apps that you approved?
So, my advice is, remove this restriction. Let people install the apps they want and let them watch what they want. Otherwise also, Indians being Indians, will find a way to get what they want.
