RailTel Corporation of India Ltd has announced that it has received a work order worth Rs 124.90 crore for the implementation of unified communication infrastructure across the Western Railway zone.
The project includes setting up IPMPLS LAN infrastructure, VOIP telephone exchanges, IP-based signaling and control communication systems. It also involves the replacement of existing UTN communication network of Western Railways.
The sizeable order has to be executed over a period of 18 months, starting from February 4, 2024 to August 3, 2025. Western Railways is a zone of the Indian Railways, which owns a majority 72.84% stake in RailTel. Hence, the order falls under related party transactions, although it has been awarded at arm’s length basis.
With this project, RailTel – the state-owned telecom infrastructure provider – aims to modernize the communication systems of Western Railway by leveraging latest technologies like Internet Protocol and Multi-Protocol Label Switching (IPMPLS). T
his would not only enhance the network capacity but also make communication flexible and seamless across the railway zone.
Over the last few quarters, RailTel has been receiving steady order inflows from the Indian Railways and its various zones, given its specialized expertise in building modern railway telecom infrastructure. The company offers a complete range of ICT services like MPLS-VPN, telepresence, leased line, tower co-location, data center services etc.