WATCH LIVE: NDRF briefing on Vizag Gas Leak

The National Disaster Relief Force or NDRF is holding a briefing on the leak of styrene gas from a plastic factor in Vizag in Andhra Pradesh.

The video of the live briefing is below.

You can also see the major bullet points summarizing the statements given by the NDRF and the NDMA in the briefing below that.
NDMA, NDRF Briefing on the Vizag Gas Leak

The incident took place at 2:30 AM.

Local villages tried to contact the police and local civic administration after thoat irritation, smell and other discomfort.

Around 5:30 AM, the NDRF was informed, and reached by 6:25.

500 people were evacuated by the NDRF within a radius of 3 KM from the accident spot.

As of 2:50 PM, the total number of deaths is 11 as of 2:50 PM. Some more are critical. Initial reports indicated that 20-25 were critical as of morning.

Most have been administered first aid, and ‘most are fine’.

An expert team from Pune will reach NDRF soon. They specialize in chemical, biological and nuclear disasters.

‘Leakage situation is much better now. The silo that was leaking is under control. The leakage is much less. We will be there until it is fixed.’

The compound is alcohol benzene styrene. Can lead to wheezing and respiratory distress.

It has an effect on the central nervous system, such as headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, unsteadiness. In high expose, it can lead to coma and irregular heartbeat.

Eye irritation and skin irritation are also reported.

Chances of long-term impact is less, the compound is metabolized fast.

Most of the people in the hospital are stable and should lead to recovery.

There is no antidote to reverse the effects.

Some may require intubation and oxygen therapy.

Only factory personnel were present at the site at the time of the accident. There is on information about what caused the leak. The police have started investigation.

The compound is heavier than air, and can be diluted by water.