Tata Communications said it has established a fibre optic connection between India and Europe, making it the first company to offer a round-the-globe fibre network.
The latest, 9,280 km Eurasia (TGN-EA) cable connects Europe to India through Egypt,
The latest cable runs “across the Mediterranean and the Middle East, uses fibre-optic technology based on microscopic glass fibres as thin as a strand of human hair, and offers customers the lowest levels of latency with RTD around 92 msec with speeds from 2Mbit/s to 10Gbit/s available,” Tata Communications, formerly known as VSNL, said.
It already had various other fibre optic links, such as between India and America through the Pacific.
With the latest link, it has completed the world’s first wholly-owned round-the-world fibre optic cable ring, the company said.
“Tata Communications owns and operates the world’s largest subsea cable network which reaches countries representing 99.7 per cent of the world’s GDP,” it said.
The network offers city-to-city connections, in contrast to networks which only link cable landing stations, the company said.
Separately, the company also launched a new link with 10G speed to the Gulf from Mumbai.
It has tied up with Nawras of Oman, Etisalat of UAE, Qtel of Qatar, Bahrain Internet Exchange of Bahrain, and Mobily of Saudi Arabia for the cable.