The following are the main proposals in the Union Budget for 2012-13 that relate to Agriculture:
Plan Outlay for Department of Agriculture and Co-operation increased by 18 percent.
Outlay for Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) increased to `9,217 crore in 2012-13.
Initiative of Bringing Green Revolution to Eastern India (BGREI) – Allocation for the scheme increased to `1,000 crore in 2012-13 from `400 crore in 2011-12.
`300 crore to Vidarbha Intensified Irrigation Development Programme under RKVY.
`2,242 crore project launched with World Bank assistance to improve productivity in the dairy sector. `500 crore provided to broaden scope of production of fish to coastal aquaculture.
All other schemes to be merged into the following six schemes :
National Food Security Mission
National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture including Micro Irrigation
National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm
National Mission on Agricultural Extension and Technology
National Horticultural Mission
National Mission for Protein Supplement
Agriculture Credit
Short term RRB credit refinance fund being set up to enhance the capacity of RRBs to disburse short term crop loans to small and marginal farmers.
Interest subvention scheme for providing short term crop loans to farmers at 7 per cent interest per annum to be continued in 2012-13. Additional subvention of 3 per cent available for prompt paying farmers.
Target for agricultural credit raised by `1,00,000 crore to `5,75,000 crore in 2012-13.
Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme to be modified to make KCC a smart card which could be used at ATMs.
Agricultural Research
A sum of `200 crore set aside for incentivising research with rewards.
Structural changes in Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) being made to maximise flow of benefit from investments in irrigation projects.
Allocation for AIBP in 2012-13 stepped up by 13 per cent to `14,242 crore.
Irrigation and Water Resource Finance Company being operationalised to mobilise large resources to fund irrigation projects.
A flood management project approved by Ganga Flood Control Commission at a cost of `439 crore for Kandi sub-division of Murshidabad District.
National Mission on Food Processing
A new centrally sponsored scheme titled “National Mission on Food Processing” to be started in 2012-13 in co-operation with State Governments.
Steps taken to create additional food grain storage capacity in the country.