The Budget 2012-13 envisions total tax income in excess of Rs 10.7 lakh crore, while expenditure of more than Rs 14.9 lakh crore.
Gross Tax Receipts estimated at `10,77,612 crore.
Net Tax to Centre estimated at `7,71,071 crore.
Non-tax Revenue Receipts estimated at `1,64,614 crore.
Non-debt Capital Receipts estimated at `41,650 crore.
Temporary arrangement to use disinvestment proceeds for capital expenditure in social sector schemes extended for one more year.
Total expenditure for 2012-13 budgeted at `14,90,925 crore.
Plan expenditure for 2012-13 at `5,21,025 crore is 18 per cent higher than Budget Estimate 2011-12. This is higher than 15 per cent projected in Approach to the Twelfth Plan.
99 per cent of the total plan outlay met in the Eleventh Plan.
Non-plan expenditure estimated at `9,69,900 crore.
`3,65,216 crore estimated to be transferred to States including direct transfers to States and district level implementing agencies.
Entire amount of subsidy is given in cash and not as bonds in lieu of subsidies.
Fiscal deficit at 5.9 per cent of GDP in RE 2011-12.
Fiscal deficit at 5.1 per cent of GDP in BE 2012-13.
Net market borrowing required to finance the deficit to be `4.79 lakh crore in 2012-13.
Central Government debt at 45.5 per cent of GDP in 2012-13 as compared to Thirteenth Finance Commission target of 50.5 per cent.
Effective Revenue Deficit to be 1.8 per cent of GDP in 2012-13.