Aam Aadmi streams live coverage of Arvind Kejriwal speech at Bangalore

With many TV channels deciding to “go easy” on covering the events of Aam Aadmi Party, the fledgling political outfit has taken to the Internet to take its live transmission of Arvind Kejriwal’s speech to its followers.

Arvind Kejriwal is addressing Aam Aadmi supporters at Bangalore’s Freedom Park.

He is expected to say whether he will fight the Lok Sabha election from Varanasi, where Narendra Modi has been fielded as the candidate by the Bhartiya Janata Party.

The speeches, part of an event by AAP Karnataka, is currently going on in Bangalore. As of 1640 IST, there were about 3,135 viewers for the live stream on Youtube.

Kejriwal is under huge pressure to announce that he will fight Narendra Modi from Varanasi. Kejriwal had earlier fought against Delhi chief minister Shiela Dixit, defeating her by a big margin.

However, Varanasi seat may turn out to be a different beast as it is a strong pro-BJP constituency. However, such a decision is likely to benefit the party’s standing and credibility as a challenger to the Congress as the main left-of-center political force in India, at least among the urban and educated voters.
