Gov raises MNREGA wages by 17-30%

The government has raised the minimum wages under its ambitious job guarantee scheme, the National Employment Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) 17-30%, it said in a statement on Tuesday. The increase has been based on the increase in the Consumer Price Index for the agricultural labour, it said, adding that the total spend on the project […]

Gov unveils mobile number portability

The government unveiled the much awaited mobile number portability on Thursday. “It is the open season now,” declared telecom secretary R Chandrasekhar as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh unveiled the long-awaited nation-wide number portability regime in the capital. Chandrasekhar, a recent entrant to the telecom ministry, seemed to almost echo the feelings of millions of telecom […]

Cognizant expects growth to dip in 2011

Cognizant Technologies, the fastest growing India-based IT services firm, warned of slower growth in 2011 compared to 2010 due to the exhaustion of ‘pent up’ demand. The firm, which posted another blockbuster quarter with a 45.2% jump in revenues, also announced an aggressive $500 million office-expansion program for accommodating 55,000 more employees. The firm, likely […]