Government increases support for exports to Latin America

In a major push to market development in Latin America, Government has removed the upper ceiling with regard to eligibility for Market Development Assistance (MDA) for participation in Buyer-seller Mission BSMs/fairs/exhibitions abroad to explore new markets in focus countries of Latin America for export of their specific product(s) and commodities from India in the initial […]

Bangalore leads in entrepreneurship race in Nasscom’s start-up program

India’s National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) has received an overwhelming response to its start up funding program. No less than 14,000 wannabe entrepreneurs registered. In all about 4,000 applications were received for funding. Early stage funding is typically called ‘angel funding’. Out of the total applications received, close to 23 per cent […]

Indian ERP, CRM markets changing due to saturation, Cloud-Computing – IDC

International Data Corporation or IDC, the market research firm said it has “slightly downgraded” its expectations for the ERP market in India due to a “continued mindset of caution and tactical investments” among organizations in India. ERP or enterprise resource planning software provides large organizations a ready made way of keeping track of different assets, […]