Gujarat has a ‘dual character’ – echoes Americans (wikileaks)

Three years after the riots of 2002, Michael S Owen, the US Consul General in Mumbai, gave a vivid description of Gujarat reminding readers of Akira Kurosawa’s classic, Rashomon. While NGOs and minority representatives insisted the presence of a ‘communalizing’ government, business leaders and government officials portrayed a picture of normalcy and harmony. In the […]

India’s babus lack capacity, are stove piped and slow-moving: Americans (wikileaks)

India’s old-world and “capacity-constrained” bureaucracy is the biggest impediment to improving relations its relationship with the US, US embassy officials told Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a briefing paper prepared for her July 2009 visit. According to the Peter Burleigh, the in-charge of the American Embassy in New Delhi, even as the defence forces […]

Krishna faces steep odds in Nepal

External Affairs Minister Somanahalli Mallaiah Krishna,who reached Kathmandu today on a three day trip to Nepal, reiterated India’s commitment for a democratic and stable Nepal. In a statement he said that “I would like to convey to the leadership of Nepal that India is committed to working with the people of Nepal for a democratic, […]

IPL breaks exclusive deal with Youtube

The Indian Premier League or IPL, the country’s most successful domestic sports event, has broken its exclusive deal with Google-owned Youtube and decided to partner with Bennet, Coleman & Company’s Indiatimes as well for the current season. Google had managed a unexpectedly successful debut for the first live webcasting of any major sports event in […]

New mileage norms may hit SUVs

Gaz guzzling SUVs giving 5 km to the litre may soon become a thing of the past in India, as the government prepares to notify India’s first fuel-efficiency norms in a few days. Even before the notification, however, the norms are under fire from environmentalists. The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has termed the […]

Clients increasingly disappointed with outsourcing partners: Forrester

Traditional outsourcing firms, such as Infosys and TCS, may need to pay attention to the ‘depth’ of their professionals as companies are increasingly disappointed with outsourcing partners and are mulling going back to captive centres, according to a report. According to a report on the ‘re-emergence’ of the captive center by Forrester Research, more and […]

Monsoon to be 98% of average

IMD expects monsoon to be normal this year for June to September. It sees a very low probability of seasonal rainfall to be deficient. Rainfall, on an average will be 98% of long period average, from 91-2000. IMD said the cooler than normal summer or intermittent rainfall in North India has not been correlated with […]