Second charge-sheet filed in 2G

The Central Bureau of Investigation, India’s premier investigating agency, has filed the second charge-sheet in the $10 billion 2G spectrum case. However, the filing at the special CBI court in Delhi has been opposed on procedural grounds by A Raja’s lawyer. The Court is expected to allow or disallow the filing by 4:30 pm. While […]

Gujarat has a ‘dual character’ – echoes Americans (wikileaks)

Three years after the riots of 2002, Michael S Owen, the US Consul General in Mumbai, gave a vivid description of Gujarat reminding readers of Akira Kurosawa’s classic, Rashomon. While NGOs and minority representatives insisted the presence of a ‘communalizing’ government, business leaders and government officials portrayed a picture of normalcy and harmony. In the […]

India’s babus lack capacity, are stove piped and slow-moving: Americans (wikileaks)

India’s old-world and “capacity-constrained” bureaucracy is the biggest impediment to improving relations its relationship with the US, US embassy officials told Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a briefing paper prepared for her July 2009 visit. According to the Peter Burleigh, the in-charge of the American Embassy in New Delhi, even as the defence forces […]

3rd party datacentres to grow faster than captives – Cyber Media Research | Real Time News, India

Third-party datacenters will overtake captive datacentres in growth over the next three years, according to CyberMedia Research. In a new report, the agency also puts the size of the India Data Center Services at Rs 11,800 crore. Data centres are buldings that host thousands of computers that are used to process large amount of data […]

Manmohan Singh opens up on corruption

Speaking for the first time on the issue of corruption after the agitation of the social activist Anna Hazare, Indian Prime Minister,Manmohan SIngh, talked about tough legislative and political action to combat the menace of corruption. Underscoring the present mood and anger of the nation against corruption Singh admitted that there is little tolerance among […]

VentureNursery angels invest in

VentureNursery, India’s first angel-backed start-up accelerator has announced an investment in Mumbai-based consumer internet company Smursh Ecommerce, the owners of helps users discover unique and interesting lifestyle products across the web by aggregating and curating them based on their social connections and interest graph. covers over 5000 products curated from over 100 […]

CII lauds new companies law

India’s biggest industry association, the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has lauded the passing of the Companies Bill in Parliament today. The bill has many provisions that bring Indian corporate laws and regulations in line with what is in vogue in more developed economies like that of the United States and Europe. It protects employees’ […]