Pakistan’s situation getting worse, unpredictable: Chidambaram warns

Indian home minister P Chidambaram has drawn a scary picture of Pakistan’s predicament in his opening address in front of a visiting US delegation. The minister called the Afghanistan-Pakistan complex the “global epicenter of terrorism” and drew a bleak picture of where India’s immediate Western neighbour is headed, as a country. “Today, different terrorist groups, […]

Clinton warns Pakistan anti-Americanism and conspiracy theories won’t do any good

Hillary Clinton warned Pakistan against getting into a trap of Anti-Americanism and conspiracy theories while ignoring the real dangers that the country faces. In an apparent response to the turbulent domestic scene — where many fundamentalists leaders are calling for a anti-American measures from Pakistani government in return for the Osama killing and drone attacks […]

Terror-charities making Pakistani state irrelevant: US warning (Wikileaks)

The US State Department was concerned about the terrorist-charities increasingly taking over the functions that should ideally be carried out by the Pakistani government. In a cable written on 30 December 2009, the US State Department urged the US ambassador to Pakistan Anne Patterson to convey its worries over the development to the local government. […]

Musharraf diverted most of US war on terror funds for other purposes: Wikileaks

Pakistan diverted most of the money it received for counter-insurgency operations from the US to non-military uses, the country’s then finance minister Shaukat Tarin told Anne Patterson, the US ambassador to Pakistan in late 2009. In a US diplomatic cable released by Wikileaks, Tarin also requested Patterson to share how much money the US pays […]

Why Microsoft should kill Windows Mobile and go Android

World’s biggest software company, Microsoft, should be praying for the victory of Google’s Android operating system against its own ‘Windows Mobile’ OS, if numbers revealed by Citi ground analyst Walter Pritchard are anything to go by. Against the $2 or so that companies like Microsoft charge for letting manufacturers put their product (Windows) on their […]