Anna Hazare protests would have infringed on others’ rights: Kapil Sibal

Home Minister P Chidambaram said Anna Hazare and hundreds of his followers have been detained under the “preventive arrest” sections of the Indian Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.PC). Chidambaram said Anna and his group were arrested because when asked about today’s program, they said they intended to protest at the JP park. Late yesterday night, Chidambaram […]

Google slams Microsoft, Oracle & Apple for waging “dubious” patent war on Android

After keeping silent for a long time, Google has finally spoken out against Microsoft, Oracle and Apple for their “organized campaign” to dampen the growth of Android ecosystem by accumulating and suing over “bogus patent.” In a blog post, the company’s chief legal officer challenged them to compete with Android in the open market-place, instead […]

US credit rating downgrade may impact India’s IT, gems & jewellery exports: FIEO

The apex organization of Indian exporters has expressed alarm over the downgrading of US Government credit rating from the top level ‘AAA’ to the AA+ category by credit-rating agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P.) Exports of garments, handicrafts, leather, gems and jewellery and IT are likely to be the most affected, the Federation of Indian Exporters […]