Bharti moves from product-oriented structure to consumer-oriented structure

Bharti Airtel, India’s biggest telecom company, has again reorganized its business structure as the company grapples with reducing profit margins in an increasingly commoditized communications market. Atul Bindal, President of Mobile Business, has been moved out and from the preliminary signs, it looks like the CEO Sanjay Kapoor’s hands have been strengthened. Bharti has moved […]

Cloud computing is what most IT heads are thinking about this year: Survey

Gone are the days when the top priority of IT heads in companies used to be topics like ‘virtualization,’ ‘business analytics’ etc.. This year in Asia, they are worried about — yes, Cloud, and of course, mobile, according to the results of Gartner’s ‘Executive Program Agenda Survey.’ Interestingly, Asian CIOs (IT heads) are also reporting […]

Consumer spending on gadgets, content and subscriptions reaches $2 trillion

Last year, consumers spent $2 trillion (out of a global GDP of $70 trillion) on communication and entertainment services and products, according to market research firm Gartner Inc. The biggest chunk, $1.2 trillion was spent on “paying the bills” — phone bills, broadband bills, cable bills etc.. while only $600 billion was spent on buying […]

Google Analytics data shows Microsoft Windows losing market-share due to phones & tablets

Microsoft Windows lost a big chunk of the global browsing market, according to the first report from Google on web trends. The survey, based on data from “hundreds of thousands” of websites that use Google’s free Analytics (web tracking) service, shows Windows dropping by a whopping 5.1 percentage points in its share of browsing computers. […]

TRAI bans “auto starting” of value added services: brings relief to customers

In a huge relief to ordinary mobile customers suffering from unwanted “value added services,” the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has made a written request from the consumer mandatory for the starting of value added services. Value added services (VAS) are those which are in addition to the normal SMS and voice calling facility. […]

TRAI suggests making ‘itemized billing’ available to all customers; color-coding coupons

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has suggested a new colour-coding scheme for recharge coupons as well as forcing telecom operators to offer “itemized billing” to prepaid customers as well. According to the suggestions, made in two draft laws put up for consultation today, the TRAI has suggested that there should be only three […]