India’s mobile penetration is only half of official numbers, mobile Internet at just 14.4 m: Juxt survey

India’s active mobile subscribers are only aorund half of the gross subscribers reported by the mobile operators, according to a survey by Juxt Consult, one of India’s pioneering mobile and Internet research agency. According to Juxt Consult, India had only 48.7 crore (487 million) mobile subscribers in June this year, compared to the 85 crore […]

Facebook is growing fast as challenger to Google in India, online Indians at 65 million: Juxt

Emailing continues to be the most popular online activity even as Facebook is fast emerging as a strong competitor to Google in India’s online landscape, according to the 2011 online survey by mobile and online research firm Juxt Consult. While 95% of India’s online population use email, it is followed closely by product search (with […]

Mobile companies oppose stricter norms against cellphone radiation

Mobile phone manufacturers and cellular service providers have opposed many of the key recommendations of the government of India’s Inter-Ministerial Committee on the harmful effects of mobile radiation on human health. The Committee started its work after an experts panel pointed to possible negative effects of cell-phone radiation on human health. Though microwave radiation, such […]

Google slams Microsoft, Oracle & Apple for waging “dubious” patent war on Android

After keeping silent for a long time, Google has finally spoken out against Microsoft, Oracle and Apple for their “organized campaign” to dampen the growth of Android ecosystem by accumulating and suing over “bogus patent.” In a blog post, the company’s chief legal officer challenged them to compete with Android in the open market-place, instead […]

Huawei’s new TD-LTE stick may give green signal to Wireless Broadband roll-out in India

Huawei, World’s second largest mobile network equipment provider, has just launched a data-card product that may turn out to be crucial to the roll-out of wireless broadband in India by players like Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Industries. The data-card is the World’s first such device to support a host of technologies, including TD-LTE — seen as […]

India’s telecom story is increasingly about junk connections

India is famous for its World-beating wireless telecom expansion, but an analysis of the latest data reveals that its mobile subscriber base is increasingly getting filled up by junk, unused connections. Though showing signs of a slowdown of late, India’s wireless telecom market continues to add around 15 million telecom subscribers every month. The market […]

Uninor, Telenor’s India arm, grows blazingly fast in second quarter 2011

Uninor, the joint venture mobile operator from the Telenor group of Norway and India’s Unitech, has posted surprisingly robust growth numbers for the second quarter. The firm’s revenues jumped 32% to Rs 572 crore in the just-concluded June quarter compared to the immediately preceding March quarter. Compared to the June quarter of last year, this […]